Hello! Sorry about the late post, I've been either way too bored to blog or way too busy too blog. Boredom comes in waves here, from one extreme to the other... there is the "I'm bored because I've been playing Farmville for the last 2 hours" or "I'm bored so I'm going to force myself to clean" or "I'm bored and there is absolutely nothing to do because everything here runs on stupid hours or closes early or I have to drive a million miles"... all of which I have suffered in the past week.
Mind you, I have done some pretty cool stuff too. Boredom led me to start volunteering with the Fernie Arts Council, which is pretty awesome, I've got my fingers crossed that it leads to a job. I've some how managed to convince the Council that I'm a pro at media events and gallery work (how I managed to do that with out saying anything, I don't know), so much so that they have me putting together an exhibit celebrating the 20 years of the Fernie Arts Station. The Fernie Arts Station is literally an old train station, moved up the road and turned into a studio.. they have everything in this tiny little space, photography, pottery, looming, painting and a theatre. At first I thought I was showcasing local art, but it turns out I'm more showcasing the history...which is fine, me and history are old friends. That being said, now I have to do archival work, the Council has now in trusted me into taking old binders full of photographs and newspaper clippings home, they even gave me files with all original letters, historical applications and floor plans to all the theatres in Fernie so I can get to know the history and lay out of the town.
The Council has some serious trust issues, giving me all these documents, telling me to take my time with them... but make sure nothing happens to them because we have no copies.... No pressure Lisa, none what so ever. So, that being said again.... Mark your calenders, start giving your vacation notice now.. because the opening night of my exhibit is July 29 2010... provided I get it all done in time lol.
Its been two weeks now since I've moved here and I must say it has been a change, but change is good. I feel like I can breathe here, I can start over and I can explore everything that the Rockies has to offer, its highs and lows, small towns and large cities. The Rockies are like a big hug outside my door, they surround me and give me warmth...even when it snowing!... but don't get me wrong, the ocean is still in my blood and will always be in my blood... the mountains have now taken my heart
My name is Lisa Betts Wilderdude
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