Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hurray for Point and Click!

Ever since I've moved here, I've wanted to start taking wildlife photography, I might as well take my love for photography and apply it to my wilder friends. However, every opportunity I've had to take pictures of Elk or Moose, my camera has been m.i.a....but when I do have my camera the animals are m.i.a...Murphy and his god damn law. So today, when Terry wanted to go up to the look out and check things out, I thought to my self.."Self, I should bring my camera"

And what did I find.. some Elk and what did I do?? take their picture!! and how did the pictures turn out??... shitty!! I managed to take a picture of a leg and the car re freshener with an Elk butt. Totally not National Geographic worthy but damn funny to look at... your your enjoyment and my embarrassment.


Weirdo Stomach Plague

God damn! this week so far has been a doosey! Sunday, I came down with this weirdo stomach plague...super gross. On the bright side, I guess... is well, it gave me a kick start to my weight loss. 5 days of agony, of the worst kind. I hate not eating, I could never develop an eating disorder because it was so sad to see all the delicious food that I could barely eat go down the drain. Starving, binging and purging is so not worth it... stomach plague, waist of time. Lets hope its out of my system for good.