Tuesday, July 12, 2011

You wouldn't like Charley when he's angry

I realized the other day, that once again.. I've neglected my little Blogger friendy here...sorry buddy, but don't worry.. I still love you.

Its so hard to find time for yourself these days, I find that when Charley gets up... I can't help but count down the minutes/hours/seconds until he goes for a nap. I don't understand how people with more kids manage to get more done... I mean, I have one and its a good day when I turn the dishes on.. or remember to put the clothes in the dryer... never mind folding laundry, just getting it dry is a miracle. I think some mothers aren't actually human, more like robots... which makes me slightly envious! Ohhh to have a life, clean house and not neglect your child at the same time.

Thankfully, Charley has decided he likes naps (yessss!!!!) and he usually pulls in about 3 a day (yessssssssssssssssss!!!!) but when he goes down, my first impulse is not to pull out the mop and bucket.. its more like.. shower, watch t.v (with out having the volume on max to block out the baby babble), eat food, think, cope...have a few minutes to remember what it was like before I decided to have children. But as soon as you get into living the baby-free life, you hear this faint crying from the other room and your forced to go back to reality...

...how ironic that after I just typed that sentence..I hear a little baby voice begging to be freed from this crib... So its safe to say, its time to end this thought before Charley decided to Hulk out and go on a rampage.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Mork Mork

Alright, to continue with the on going theme of the day.

Elizabeth May and the Swedish Chef.. ok ok totally not fair because of the whole gender thing.. but they both look like the love smoking weed... just sayin'

This blog is brought to you by the letter V

This morning as I was feeding Charley, I was thinking about our political leaders... why breast feeding makes me think of politicians, I'm not sure... maybe because they are all boobs?

Anyways, what I was thinking about was how all the leaders in the race bare some resemblance to some of the Muppet characters. Take Micheal Ignatieff for example, his eyebrows alone are something only a felt puppet could have. So I did some research.. yes from the floor of Charley's room (again, why mess with a good thing) And don't you think Micheal Ignatieff looks exactly like Sam the Eagle? I mean, they do have things in common... they both have crazy 'brows and conveniently they are both American. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

This blog is brought to you by the letter C

Last Blog Feb.2nd... Well now that its almost 3 months later, I'm glad to say I'm up and running... So you 6 readers out there.. Enjoy.

I'm typing from my new office, yes.. an office.. I've made the big times.. but in all reality, its the floor of my son's room. Why the floor? because Charley really seems to dig it down here and I'll do whatever it takes for 5 minutes of piece.

I can't believe, its been over a year since I've moved to this little town. And what have I accomplished??! Child birth. Yes, my greatest fear in life (motherhood) as come true, just a little over my year anniversary here, I had Charley. After being 12 days over due he graced us with his presence on March 4th and my life since then has been tilted upside down. All new mothers can agree with me when I say the past two months have been out of control! Sleep deprivation, shit, pee, constant crying and coming to except the fact that for the next year and a bit I will constantly smell like barf... au de bebe, I should bottle it.. its really quite lovely. But dare, I say.. motherhood has grown on me.. kind of like a mole, you think you should have it removed but never do because it's something that defines you.

So here we go again, gorilla blogging... from the bedroom floor.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Early Spring, that ain't no Bull...eerrr Bill

This morning, I woke up with the theme song of Groundhog Day stuck in my head... you know, the song that plays in the back round when Bill Murray keeps reliving the Groundhog Day festival over and over and over... pretty obscure thing to have in my head, but alas it was there.

I suppose the irony about that, is that today is in fact Groundhog Day. Happy Groundhog Day, everyone... if that means anything to you. To us in the mountains, I don't think it means a whole lot...maybe it means wishful thinking? But I'm pretty sure we're doomed for winter weather, whether a rodent see's his shadow or not, at least until March or April. Call me bitter? Sure... its still -20 outside! Come on +20!!

So what did Puxatawney Phil predict? Early spring. Enjoy it where it might apply, me.. I'll still be shoveling out my car.. for a little while at least :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Man, I feel like a Woman

I'm headin' on into home base with this whole pregnancy thing...37 weeks. So, I guess I could pop at anytime now? One could hope. I now have the privilege of seeing my doctor once a week until the time comes, which is cool because since my doctor's office is in Fernie, any reason to get out of Elkford is a good one.

Wayyyy back in late September, we had our ultra sound and it determined that we were having a boy... Which is cool because we have 3 nephews under the age of 10 (2 of them are under the age of 4) So, hand me downs and loads of experience. Boys are easy, little girls freak me out!

So after months of preparing for a boy, got boy clothes, picked boy names... just all around boy'd up the place.. we now found out ( 3 doctors confirming) that our boy has a girl heart beat... and after correcting the doctor saying that the ultra sound said it was a boy, the only response we've gotten from all 3 of them is "Well, its a girl or the boy is a really healthy baby"...hmmmmm.

Can't complain about a healthy baby, that is the goal... but now things just got interesting, after knowing for months that we're having a boy and now the tune is changing...is our Charlie going to come out a Carley? I guess we'll find out soon.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Good Bye Icy Brick Road...

Its been fairly warm in ole Elkford lately... warm being between -2 to a balmy +6... that being said, I saw my first glimpse of grass today! GRASS! I haven't seen grass since October, sure it wasn't green and lush...it was more brown with a hay like consistency.. but grass non the less. Signs to me that winter is on the outs (squeeeeeee!!!) Melt snow! MELT! Peace out ice and your scariness, you wont be missed.. bahahahahahahahaaa!

*Edited Note: 10 minutes after typing this lovely blog, it started snowing. Lesson learned, never under estimate the power of mother nature and her ability to smack you in the face!