Saturday, January 1, 2011

Braxton Hicks... Watts?


So, I think I might name my son Braxton Hicks... because that seems to be the name of the game of my pregnancy of late.

p.s. Braxton Hicks is the "technical term" for false labour. I want to meet this Braxton person and ask why he was so lucky to be named after this joyful feeling.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Hills are Alive.....

The Sound of Music is on the telly, haven't seen this movie in years. I'm not a huge fan of musicals, but when Maria feels the need to break out in song, I can just flip the channel... after all holiday weekends are full of marathons. Damn, I need a hobby...or a job... or something. Okay, gotta finish up because Maria is just about to sing "My favorite things"... time to go back to the Food Network.

p.s. Christopher Plummer was pretty dashing back in 1965, just sayin'.


Happy Holidays Everyone! Hope it was a goody.

Its very strange today because it's Boxing Day and I have no mall near by... what's Boxing Day without Boxing Day shopping? I guess we'll find out...maybe to my horror, it will be like every other day with out a mall!

This year was my first year ever to have Christmas off the island, to have Christmas sans the family. It was different, it totally felt like there was a piece missing but this is what change is all about, I suppose. I'm thankful for what I have here, I'm thankful that Terry was able to get the day off work, I'm thankful for Rebecca and Court and the surrogate family I have accrued here since I've moved...with out them, it would have been a very long and lonely holiday. So, thank you :)

Once again, as the story seems to go here, it will get year it will be easier. I hold on to that, I've heard it so many times here that I'm starting to believe it. Next year, I will have my own family to contend with, it will be my son's first Christmas. And that in its self is a milestone, a stepping stone to start our own traditions. Every family has them and they all started from some where and now its our time to do them. Growing up and away from family is hard and I miss them everyday, especially on the holidays.