Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sequel Shmequel

We rented Kick-Ass tonight from Shaw on Demand and as we were flipping through all the movies to order we came across Titanic 2.

What the hell is that?! Titanic 2... a sequel?? We all know how the movie and the real life story ends, so who would feel the need to write a sequel? So does Rose and Jack come back from the gave and form some sort of ghost ship and relive the whole experience all over again?!

They will make a sequel out of anything. Haven't we learned our lesson from Speed 2?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Death by Cotton Candy

Ohhhh god, I just binge ate cotton candy while watching Mermaids on CMT.
I don't regret watching Mermaids, that's an early 90's classic...but the bag of cotton candy...and well I suppose chugging a full bottle on Vitamin water didn't help either.

Damn impulse cravings. I went to the store to buy eggs and came home with sugary death.