Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Heyyyy you guyyyyyss

Today, walking the dog, I had my first experience with my parents neighbour from across the street. I've lived at my parents house on and off for 6 years, and this was my first experience with her!!

So Daisy decides to take her sweet ass time at the bottom of the drive way, so neighbour decides to point out the obvious and as she turned to speak to me.. she looked and sounded EXATLY like Ma Fratteli from the know the crazy ugly old bat that locked up Sloth in the basement.

Needless to say, I got out of there quick, and when I had to walk past her again to go up the driveway..I made no contact and deeked out of there... no fuckin' way I'm getting locked up in the basement.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekkyy Poo

Hello my beloved. This past week has been crazy hectic...I've been out and about and BAM a week left!

Now, I'm scrambling to get everything that I came for accomplished...gahh! So if any one from the Koots wants anything email me a wish list and I'll deliver... I promise!

The count down is on, one more week and I'll have my Bear, my kitty and my condo back!

p.s. I got tattooooooooes wowowooooo here are the scabby blury photos.

p.p.s. The foot isn't done yet, so be forgiving :)