Hello! Sorry about the late post, I've been either way too bored to blog or way too busy too blog. Boredom comes in waves here, from one extreme to the other... there is the "I'm bored because I've been playing Farmville for the last 2 hours" or "I'm bored so I'm going to force myself to clean" or "I'm bored and there is absolutely nothing to do because everything here runs on stupid hours or closes early or I have to drive a million miles"... all of which I have suffered in the past week.
Mind you, I have done some pretty cool stuff too. Boredom led me to start volunteering with the Fernie Arts Council, which is pretty awesome, I've got my fingers crossed that it leads to a job. I've some how managed to convince the Council that I'm a pro at media events and gallery work (how I managed to do that with out saying anything, I don't know), so much so that they have me putting together an exhibit celebrating the 20 years of the Fernie Arts Station. The Fernie Arts Station is literally an old train station, moved up the road and turned into a studio.. they have everything in this tiny little space, photography, pottery, looming, painting and a theatre. At first I thought I was showcasing local art, but it turns out I'm more showcasing the history...which is fine, me and history are old friends. That being said, now I have to do archival work, the Council has now in trusted me into taking old binders full of photographs and newspaper clippings home, they even gave me files with all original letters, historical applications and floor plans to all the theatres in Fernie so I can get to know the history and lay out of the town.
The Council has some serious trust issues, giving me all these documents, telling me to take my time with them... but make sure nothing happens to them because we have no copies.... No pressure Lisa, none what so ever. So, that being said again.... Mark your calenders, start giving your vacation notice now.. because the opening night of my exhibit is July 29 2010... provided I get it all done in time lol.
Its been two weeks now since I've moved here and I must say it has been a change, but change is good. I feel like I can breathe here, I can start over and I can explore everything that the Rockies has to offer, its highs and lows, small towns and large cities. The Rockies are like a big hug outside my door, they surround me and give me warmth...even when it snowing!... but don't get me wrong, the ocean is still in my blood and will always be in my blood... the mountains have now taken my heart
My name is Lisa Betts Wilderdude
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day Two

I woke up to Willie Nelson this morning, random, I know. "Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys", that line skipped through my mind like a broken record all day. I have nothing against Willie Nelson... I suppose, after years of making fun of Terry's love of Willie, I deserved to wake up to it...I deserved to have the point made that Willie Nelson isn't all that country. Sorry Terry, Willie Nelson... for the most part.... doesn't sound like country music and... for the most part.... its pretty rockin' :)
This afternoon, I hit up the stellar shopping of downtown Sparwood. There is this second hand store, called "New To You", you have your choice of a 5 dollar bag or a 10 dollar bag and basically you shove as much clothing and stuff into the bag and pay for the bag size. Brilliant!! I got 6 shirts, 1 large sweater, 3 fridge magnets and 4 jumbo towels for 6 bucks!... 6 bucks.. thats it...love it!.
One of my house sitting tasks, was making Amish Friendship bread. Rebecca had this mixture on the go on her counter for days, fermenting in this ziploc bag and everyday you squish this bag for ten days. After the ten days is when you have to bake it... and the tenth day was yesterday.
Becca my dear, Yessssssssss I made your bread, yessssssssss it made two loaves, yessssssssss the new mixture bags are on the counter....but I regretfully must say.. Terry and I ate one of the loaves (in less then a day...) we just couldn't help ourselves because that bread is SOO FUCKING GOOD!!! First I thought, maybe just one or two slices... then it turned into four... then it turned into half the loaf and then... and then.... we lost control and its gone...allllllll gone! But I promise you this... I will use ALL of my will power and not eat the second loaf... in fact, I should probably stop typing about it because its making me think about it...all lonely in your freezer...just waiting to be eaten...in its sugary coated goodness....
It'll be waiting for you... I promise.....
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day One

Day One of house sitting for Rebecca:
Becca and the Fam packed up and went home... the other home, Victoria... for a week!! lucky!.. not to mention Bec and Court are staying in Tofino for two days... yea yea slightly jealous.
I suppose this is day one and a half because they did leave yesterday and we did stay here last night... but no need to get technical. Last night was awesome, it totally felt like my first co-ed sleep over, because we slept downstairs on the pull out couch. Screw sleeping upstairs in a real bed!, we're campin' out in the basement... the reason for this, Spencer.
Spencer the dog, the lovable ole pup can't sleep on the beds upstairs, but he can sleep on the couch downstairs and well Terry being able to sleep with Spencer was a make or break deal. Don't blame him really, back in Vic, my mums Boston Terrier used to sleep in my bed and my Christ, Daisy can pump out some serious heat.
Today was also day one of snow... yes glorious snow. Sure, since I've been here there has been snow on the ground... gross muddy-sandy-snow... So when Terry yelled "It snowed!", I thought... yes Terry, it snowed like a month ago. But to my surprise, when I finally got up, there was a fresh coat of beautiful snow, finally the winter can be the winter.
Don't get me wrong, lovin' the sunny warm weather... but it freaks me out that it is so warm this early, especially here... there is no need for the bears to wake up early!. I mean, I'm still on cougar watch, I don't need to be looking for bears too! I want my wilderness experience to be gradual... you know.. first dear and elk, then maybe moose, then perhaps a mountain goat....you know so I get used to having critters around me.. then bring on the cougars and bears.. from a distance in a car with the doors locked with bear spray in my hands to make myself feel better, you know, like a comfort blanket.
Plus!! I can get some more use out of my winter boot... I mean, the whole purpose of investing in those bad boys was for epic snow, not to look pretty in my closet. So bring it on Mother Nature, make those bears sleep longer! at least another week, at least until the novelty of snow runs out.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Who do you think you look like?

Last night after a long day of child wrangling, gettin' my hairs did (Yes, I am now a blonde) and what seemed like a million trips to the Chauncey Ridge grocery store, I managed to sit down and watch the last 45 minutes or so of the Oscars. I would have watched the whole thing, after all, I am one of those keeners that will sit through the boring shit and beyond... but since I've been here, I've had no comprehension of the time, date, day, week, month...its all gone out the window as far as I know I could have been here for five years or got here yesterday!.
N0t having seen the Blind Side or have had an interest in seeing it (I mean just because I play football doesn't mean I want to watch a movie about it) I was still rooting for Sandra Bullock. Meryl Streep is played out, The chick who played the Queen won... the movie was boring but she was convincing as the Queen and the other two actresses... I haven't a clue on who they were... obvious choice, Sandra Bullock.
I remember back in grade 8 when Speed came out, it was the most action packed movie I had ever seen...I finally figured out was suspense was...sure Keanu Reeves was a bonus but all and all it was pretty amazing...now Speed 2 on the other had, didn't have to exist but whatevs.
I remember going over to Tanya Olson's house with a few friends after school one day and we were all trying to figure out what celebrity we looked like or at least wanted to look like... and I remember Cory Monteith saying I looked like Sandra Bullock when I had my glasses off. Fair enough, I did have that mid '90's "Racheal" haircut, and my hair was indeed my natural colour of auburn brown (amazing, I remember my natural colour, I know) just like Sandra Bullock did in Speed... but who did I look like with my glasses on?? Nobody. Hmmmm.
How does that work?...Beautiful actress sans the glasses, dorky 13 year old with a "Racheal" haircut with glasses. I was like I was some pubescent female version of Clark Kent (minus the super powers..naturally) Nobody would know by day that I was this Sandra Bullock look alike, but by night... when I was sleeping and my glasses were off... BAM! stunning actress staring in a movie with Keanu Reeves!.
Riiiiight. I tell you in there was any ounce of truth in Cory Monteith's statement, maybe I would be a star on a major t.v. show like him or maybe... just mayyyyybe... I would be lying in bed typing some blog, in the middle of nowhere, secretly hiding my Sandra Bullock powers behind my glasses and telling myself the only person I look like with or without my glasses...is...well...me.
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