In the past month we've had 3 days of sun total.
Last weekend we were lucky to have sun for the triathelon and this weekend its shaping up to be a beautiful weekend... Woot! lets hope it keeps up because I have some serious work to do. Last weekend I developed a farmer tan, panic set in so I threw on a wife beater to try and tan it out... after all in less than a month, I have to be a brides maid in a strapless dress. I have horrible vision of Leannes wedding photo's being ruined because of my multiple strap problem.
So, Rebecca feeling my pain, lent me a tube top... I hate tube tops...well let me rephrase that..I love tube tops but not when your six pack is more like a keg. I have never fake n' baked...I've thought of it, but why waste a day in a UV coffin? When you could cop a squat in the back yard with a book and a cold drink?!
My goal this weekend is going to get as crispy as I can, reburn the burns and all the while try not to get skin cancer because you never know when the weather is going to change... we are in the mountains after all.