Last Blog Feb.2nd... Well now that its almost 3 months later, I'm glad to say I'm up and running... So you 6 readers out there.. Enjoy.
I'm typing from my new office, yes.. an office.. I've made the big times.. but in all reality, its the floor of my son's room. Why the floor? because Charley really seems to dig it down here and I'll do whatever it takes for 5 minutes of piece.
I can't believe, its been over a year since I've moved to this little town. And what have I accomplished??! Child birth. Yes, my greatest fear in life (motherhood) as come true, just a little over my year anniversary here, I had Charley. After being 12 days over due he graced us with his presence on March 4th and my life since then has been tilted upside down. All new mothers can agree with me when I say the past two months have been out of control! Sleep deprivation, shit, pee, constant crying and coming to except the fact that for the next year and a bit I will constantly smell like barf... au de bebe, I should bottle it.. its really quite lovely. But dare, I say.. motherhood has grown on me.. kind of like a mole, you think you should have it removed but never do because it's something that defines you.
So here we go again, gorilla blogging... from the bedroom floor.