Last night after a long day of child wrangling, gettin' my hairs did (Yes, I am now a blonde) and what seemed like a million trips to the Chauncey Ridge grocery store, I managed to sit down and watch the last 45 minutes or so of the Oscars. I would have watched the whole thing, after all, I am one of those keeners that will sit through the boring shit and beyond... but since I've been here, I've had no comprehension of the time, date, day, week, month...its all gone out the window as far as I know I could have been here for five years or got here yesterday!.
N0t having seen the Blind Side or have had an interest in seeing it (I mean just because I play football doesn't mean I want to watch a movie about it) I was still rooting for Sandra Bullock. Meryl Streep is played out, The chick who played the Queen won... the movie was boring but she was convincing as the Queen and the other two actresses... I haven't a clue on who they were... obvious choice, Sandra Bullock.
I remember back in grade 8 when Speed came out, it was the most action packed movie I had ever seen...I finally figured out was suspense was...sure Keanu Reeves was a bonus but all and all it was pretty amazing...now Speed 2 on the other had, didn't have to exist but whatevs.
I remember going over to Tanya Olson's house with a few friends after school one day and we were all trying to figure out what celebrity we looked like or at least wanted to look like... and I remember Cory Monteith saying I looked like Sandra Bullock when I had my glasses off. Fair enough, I did have that mid '90's "Racheal" haircut, and my hair was indeed my natural colour of auburn brown (amazing, I remember my natural colour, I know) just like Sandra Bullock did in Speed... but who did I look like with my glasses on?? Nobody. Hmmmm.
How does that work?...Beautiful actress sans the glasses, dorky 13 year old with a "Racheal" haircut with glasses. I was like I was some pubescent female version of Clark Kent (minus the super powers..naturally) Nobody would know by day that I was this Sandra Bullock look alike, but by night... when I was sleeping and my glasses were off... BAM! stunning actress staring in a movie with Keanu Reeves!.
Riiiiight. I tell you in there was any ounce of truth in Cory Monteith's statement, maybe I would be a star on a major t.v. show like him or maybe... just mayyyyybe... I would be lying in bed typing some blog, in the middle of nowhere, secretly hiding my Sandra Bullock powers behind my glasses and telling myself the only person I look like with or without my glasses...is...well...me.
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