This morning, I woke up with the theme song of Groundhog Day stuck in my head... you know, the song that plays in the back round when Bill Murray keeps reliving the Groundhog Day festival over and over and over... pretty obscure thing to have in my head, but alas it was there.
I suppose the irony about that, is that today is in fact Groundhog Day. Happy Groundhog Day, everyone... if that means anything to you. To us in the mountains, I don't think it means a whole lot...maybe it means wishful thinking? But I'm pretty sure we're doomed for winter weather, whether a rodent see's his shadow or not, at least until March or April. Call me bitter? Sure... its still -20 outside! Come on +20!!
So what did Puxatawney Phil predict? Early spring. Enjoy it where it might apply, me.. I'll still be shoveling out my car.. for a little while at least :)