Austin, Terry and Myself just came back from Becca's house for dinner. And as we were walking to our building's front door, we notice a whoooole crap load of fur and blood.
Fan-Freakin' tastic, where the hell did all this biz come from??? Did some ravenous beast slaughter a dear at our front door? Forget street crime... we got wilder crime. Of course, the Mantracker in Terry and Austin came out and wanted to explore the situation.. me the frantic city girl wanted to run for dear life. As we were contemplating this situation, Becca called and said that Austin forgot most of his stuff there, so Terry said "Come on".. implying we walk.
Nooooo way in hell!, first off this ravenous beast could be lurking around the corner, second off all we had was each other and if this thing charged at us it would totally pick the week and feeble one (which is me, naturally) and third off I was wearing a pair of slippers..so if I did attempt to run for my life, I would eat shit within the first step. I'm not prepared to face my fellow wilder neighbors, not in the slightest bit.
So after making a stink and Terry puffing at me, we chose to drive (totally worth it) and as we were walking over to the car, these two old sods drove up and rolled down the window.
"Did you see the moose?" said sod #1
"Is that what the fur is all about?" I asked
Then they both laughed and suggested we pick up the fur and make fishing flies out of it, you know...so we can make a couple extra dollars being weird hillbillies... hmmmm...not interested.
Anyways, it turns out that a cow (moose terms for lady) got caught in some metal fencing, got scared and started running through our complex trying to get out. And as she was frantically trying to pull herself together, slipped on our walk way, jumbled herself in our railing and fell scraping and injuring herself. The two old sod's saw this and directed her back into the woods behind our place.
So now we have one beat up, angry moose lurking in our woods. This place, I swear its like the Big City for animals... replace graffiti with deer poo, replace loitering with Elk grazing, replace gang violence with the circle of life... bullies are the bears and the humans are the alien invaders...