I woke up to Willie Nelson this morning, random, I know. "Mama's don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys", that line skipped through my mind like a broken record all day. I have nothing against Willie Nelson... I suppose, after years of making fun of Terry's love of Willie, I deserved to wake up to it...I deserved to have the point made that Willie Nelson isn't all that country. Sorry Terry, Willie Nelson... for the most part.... doesn't sound like country music and... for the most part.... its pretty rockin' :)
This afternoon, I hit up the stellar shopping of downtown Sparwood. There is this second hand store, called "New To You", you have your choice of a 5 dollar bag or a 10 dollar bag and basically you shove as much clothing and stuff into the bag and pay for the bag size. Brilliant!! I got 6 shirts, 1 large sweater, 3 fridge magnets and 4 jumbo towels for 6 bucks!... 6 bucks.. thats it...love it!.
One of my house sitting tasks, was making Amish Friendship bread. Rebecca had this mixture on the go on her counter for days, fermenting in this ziploc bag and everyday you squish this bag for ten days. After the ten days is when you have to bake it... and the tenth day was yesterday.
Becca my dear, Yessssssssss I made your bread, yessssssssss it made two loaves, yessssssssss the new mixture bags are on the counter....but I regretfully must say.. Terry and I ate one of the loaves (in less then a day...) we just couldn't help ourselves because that bread is SOO FUCKING GOOD!!! First I thought, maybe just one or two slices... then it turned into four... then it turned into half the loaf and then... and then.... we lost control and its gone...allllllll gone! But I promise you this... I will use ALL of my will power and not eat the second loaf... in fact, I should probably stop typing about it because its making me think about it...all lonely in your freezer...just waiting to be eaten...in its sugary coated goodness....
It'll be waiting for you... I promise.....
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