One of the downfalls of being pregnant is giving up your vices, its been a hard 6 months so far...no beer (or booze for that matter), no self medicating on Advil and Gravol or any cold medicine... all your left to survive on is Tylenol (which, I'm still convinced to this day doesn't work), you loose all decent sleeping habits and lets not forget your sanity! Another thing your suppost to give up is cured meats, such as bacon, sausage and handling deli meats (wouldn't want to have a side dish of Listeria with your pregnancy, totally not on the menu)
Breakfast meats in my opinion is the best kind of meat, who doesn't love crispy bacon on everything?! According to Terry's trusty "Baby Bump" app on his iPhone, preggo's such as myself, are suppost to give up breakfast meats in their second trimester. And now that I'm rounding into my third trimester, I still haven't been able to break the habit of bacon. Going out for breakfast here is a staple and Elkford has one of the best greasy spoon breakfast restaurants one breakfast lover could ever ask for... did I mention the restaurant is attached to a gas station? Double kitsch, double goodness. Bacon is on everything I like to order at Curry's.. the Clubhouse.. the Daybreak breakfast.. hell, I order it as a side dish with my french toast.. and how could you order these things and say "Hold the bacon?" its just not the same, its just not right!
Today, however, I'm taking a stand... yes... I'm going to break my bacon habit. Sure, I'm three months late, but perhaps I can save my growing boy from the nitrates for the next three months. I'll just fill the bacon void with "Simulated bacon bits" (don't worry, its just soy..baby boy is used to soy, since I'm lactose intolerant) and starch... yes, I will suck it up and say "Hold the bacon, but can I have extra hash browns?" Its going to be a hard three months, since bacon is one of my most craved cravings, but I can do it... I will think positive, like when this baby is born I will celebrate over a nice cold beer and a huge plate of crispy bacon... yea, that's it, an incentive. Perfect. Only 87 more days to go......