I'm home sick today...like fever and high temperature sick.
I really miss my family and friends back home... I miss movie nights, wino nights, playing cars with Evan and Noodle Box... god damn I miss Noodle Box!
mmmmmmmmmm curry.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Chicks Dig Scars
I reluctantly agreed to go to Pincher Creek with Phil today, I was some what keen until I found out how long it would take to get us there. Pincher Creek Alberta is one of the many day trip options we have here. If you want Wal-Mart you drive to Pincher Creek, if you want a mall or Costco you drive to Lethbridge and if you want an airport you have your choice between Cranbrook or Calgary...in any case it's some serious investment inside a car.
Leave it to my 10 year old nephew Josh... he saves the day! gets me out of a road trip to Mennonite land. He cut his leg open on some ice today at school and just as we were about to leave for Pincer Creek, I get a phone call from my sissy Becca. "Josh cut his leg open and we think he needs stitches, Can you watch Max for me".. done and done.
Josh is such a trooper, today was twin day at school and when we picked him up from school he hobbles out in a pink t-shirt (so he could be twins with the girls, did I mention he was cleaver?), burgundy shorts and his gum boots. Blood pouring out of the C shaped cut on his knees, tears coming down his cheeks and all I could do was reassure him that chicks dig scars.
Stitch free, clean bandaged and with a change of pants (pink shirt still on, might I add) Josh was in better spirits and as we stood in the clinic parking lot debating whether we should drive into Pincher Creek, the time management gods shined down upon us and Phil suggested that we might as well go to Sparwood and leave Pincher Creek to another day. Thank fucking god! no car investments, no Mennonites and no Wal-Mart...at least for now.
Leave it to my 10 year old nephew Josh... he saves the day! gets me out of a road trip to Mennonite land. He cut his leg open on some ice today at school and just as we were about to leave for Pincer Creek, I get a phone call from my sissy Becca. "Josh cut his leg open and we think he needs stitches, Can you watch Max for me".. done and done.
Josh is such a trooper, today was twin day at school and when we picked him up from school he hobbles out in a pink t-shirt (so he could be twins with the girls, did I mention he was cleaver?), burgundy shorts and his gum boots. Blood pouring out of the C shaped cut on his knees, tears coming down his cheeks and all I could do was reassure him that chicks dig scars.
Stitch free, clean bandaged and with a change of pants (pink shirt still on, might I add) Josh was in better spirits and as we stood in the clinic parking lot debating whether we should drive into Pincher Creek, the time management gods shined down upon us and Phil suggested that we might as well go to Sparwood and leave Pincher Creek to another day. Thank fucking god! no car investments, no Mennonites and no Wal-Mart...at least for now.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Works of Art

Today Terry, Myself, Becca and little Max went down to Fernie. And on our way home Rebecca told me to look at one of the mountains in the distance, the peak was covered in fresh snow and it had this gray/white glow to it. Then I came to the realization that I am surrounded by art, I am surrounded by Bob Ross paintings... complete with the happy trees and the lush green meadows.
Rest In Peace Bob Ross, I will be forever surrounded by your living works of art
Cougar Update!!
Its like Cougar mania here!
So with all this hype, I was a little hesitant to walk over to Becca's house. Becca's backyard fences our condo parking lot, but in order to get there you have to walk around her row of townhouses, over a mound of ice-snow-muddy brown gravel, through the play ground flooded with ice and water, over another mound of muddy brown gravel and onto her street..... did I mention our condo parking lot has icy patches?
Now that being said, I've become quite the pro at navigating this wacky terrain and when Becca invited me over for tea, I hopped into my now dubbed "Elkford" boots and headed out the door.
Then that blasted Cougar sighting flooded my mind....the one that was spotted in my parking lot. Forget the bear spray that might actually save my life, I'm going to carry my camera...so if it does cross my path... I can take a picture of it...priorities Lisa.
So, I'm walking through the lot, looking around everywhere, every little noise, praying that Becca can see me through her kitchen window.... no cougar..
I move onto the ice-snow-muddy brown gravel mound...looking all around, slowly treading around the corner... no cougar
Onto the flooded play ground, my heart is racing...looking all around...no cougar. Almost at Bec's but I'm not safe yet...a cougar could be lurking anywhere
Now as it seems I might clear the flooded playground with no problems, I turn around and in the neighbors backyard...
..a dear, it scared the shit out of me I jumped and yelled, almost had a heart attack!. A deer!, this place is plagued with them!, they are everywhere! there is nothing to fear about a dear..they're cute they eat your lawn...they don't transform into a ravenous mountain cat looking to eat every child and dog they can get their paws on....
Needless to say, when I walk over to Becca's house today, I'll have bear spray in one hand and my camera in the other, because after all, you can't miss a good photo op when it crosses your path!
So with all this hype, I was a little hesitant to walk over to Becca's house. Becca's backyard fences our condo parking lot, but in order to get there you have to walk around her row of townhouses, over a mound of ice-snow-muddy brown gravel, through the play ground flooded with ice and water, over another mound of muddy brown gravel and onto her street..... did I mention our condo parking lot has icy patches?
Now that being said, I've become quite the pro at navigating this wacky terrain and when Becca invited me over for tea, I hopped into my now dubbed "Elkford" boots and headed out the door.
Then that blasted Cougar sighting flooded my mind....the one that was spotted in my parking lot. Forget the bear spray that might actually save my life, I'm going to carry my camera...so if it does cross my path... I can take a picture of it...priorities Lisa.
So, I'm walking through the lot, looking around everywhere, every little noise, praying that Becca can see me through her kitchen window.... no cougar..
I move onto the ice-snow-muddy brown gravel mound...looking all around, slowly treading around the corner... no cougar
Onto the flooded play ground, my heart is racing...looking all around...no cougar. Almost at Bec's but I'm not safe yet...a cougar could be lurking anywhere
Now as it seems I might clear the flooded playground with no problems, I turn around and in the neighbors backyard...
..a dear, it scared the shit out of me I jumped and yelled, almost had a heart attack!. A deer!, this place is plagued with them!, they are everywhere! there is nothing to fear about a dear..they're cute they eat your lawn...they don't transform into a ravenous mountain cat looking to eat every child and dog they can get their paws on....
Needless to say, when I walk over to Becca's house today, I'll have bear spray in one hand and my camera in the other, because after all, you can't miss a good photo op when it crosses your path!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Fucking Altitude
Ever since I got here on Friday, I've been cursed with a nasty cough, I feel like I've been smoking for 50 years... its kind of nasty.
I've used everything, cough syrup, nyquil and neocitron and for some reason I can't shake it.
So, since this cough has gotten on my nerves I've decided to blame it on the altitude. Fucking altitude. Its tiring living here because the air is so thin... your nose runs constantly, sinuses plug and unplug, your skin dries out, you cough like something feirce, you can't walk up the street with out being winded and all you can think about is sleeping....damn flimsy mountain air!. Some people say it takes a week to become acclimated and some say a month... I say it better be tomorrow because I'm loosing my mind!!
I think yesterday was the worst day yet, it kind of went something like this
5am: cough, cough, cough, get up to pee, drink some water, cough, cough, blow my nose and cough
5:15 am: coughcoughcoughcough hack some shit coughcoughcough
9am: blow my nose, coughcoughcough, get dressed, cough
12am: walk to Phils truck, climb in Phils truck, WINDED, cough cough cough, catch my breath
1pm: Fernie, drink copious amounts of liquid, cough, climb down from Phils truck, walk into Canadian Tire....winded.
2pm: Sparwood, tired as shit, drink more liquids, cough
4pm: Transfer Station, double fist Slurpee and Vitamin Water, cough cough, totally fatigued
5pm: Unpack but by then I feel like I'm litterally going to die. coughcoughcouuuuuugh. Lie on couch
6pm: Still on couch...several nose blows later
6:15: coughcoughcoughcoughcough, sigh.
8pm: Terry is home, complain complain cough cough complain. Drink more liquids, slather on chap stick, go back to loosing my will to live on the couch. COUGH.
I've used everything, cough syrup, nyquil and neocitron and for some reason I can't shake it.
So, since this cough has gotten on my nerves I've decided to blame it on the altitude. Fucking altitude. Its tiring living here because the air is so thin... your nose runs constantly, sinuses plug and unplug, your skin dries out, you cough like something feirce, you can't walk up the street with out being winded and all you can think about is sleeping....damn flimsy mountain air!. Some people say it takes a week to become acclimated and some say a month... I say it better be tomorrow because I'm loosing my mind!!
I think yesterday was the worst day yet, it kind of went something like this
5am: cough, cough, cough, get up to pee, drink some water, cough, cough, blow my nose and cough
5:15 am: coughcoughcoughcough hack some shit coughcoughcough
9am: blow my nose, coughcoughcough, get dressed, cough
12am: walk to Phils truck, climb in Phils truck, WINDED, cough cough cough, catch my breath
1pm: Fernie, drink copious amounts of liquid, cough, climb down from Phils truck, walk into Canadian Tire....winded.
2pm: Sparwood, tired as shit, drink more liquids, cough
4pm: Transfer Station, double fist Slurpee and Vitamin Water, cough cough, totally fatigued
5pm: Unpack but by then I feel like I'm litterally going to die. coughcoughcouuuuuugh. Lie on couch
6pm: Still on couch...several nose blows later
6:15: coughcoughcoughcoughcough, sigh.
8pm: Terry is home, complain complain cough cough complain. Drink more liquids, slather on chap stick, go back to loosing my will to live on the couch. COUGH.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Breaking News
Yesterday: A cougar was spotted at the church down the street from my house
Today: A cougar was spotted twice in the parking lot of my condo
Whether it was a 50 year old woman hitting on a 25 year old man or an actual animal, one can only speculate.
Today: A cougar was spotted twice in the parking lot of my condo
Whether it was a 50 year old woman hitting on a 25 year old man or an actual animal, one can only speculate.
The Black Devil
Living in a coal town is not for the o.c.d...It is perpetually dirty... there is no escape from the devil that is the black powder!
So today, I thought I would be the good little house wife that I am, and clean the condo. Now, being a fully furnished condo, I have the pleasure of having cleaning supplies left for me...wonderful wonderful dollar store brand cleaners and I tell ya, what gems they are. with cleaver names like "Kleenex", "Nu Kleen" and (the topper) "Kream Kleaner".
Why is it that ghetto brands can't use the letter "C" ? Is there some knock off clause that prevents dollar store cleaners to not use the letter "C"? or is it their cleaver way of breaking out of the "Name brand norm"?
In anycase, I suppose working and living in a coal town and having white floors... mopping will become a staple and I will have to befriend my dollar store chums... "C" or no "C"
So today, I thought I would be the good little house wife that I am, and clean the condo. Now, being a fully furnished condo, I have the pleasure of having cleaning supplies left for me...wonderful wonderful dollar store brand cleaners and I tell ya, what gems they are. with cleaver names like "Kleenex", "Nu Kleen" and (the topper) "Kream Kleaner".
Why is it that ghetto brands can't use the letter "C" ? Is there some knock off clause that prevents dollar store cleaners to not use the letter "C"? or is it their cleaver way of breaking out of the "Name brand norm"?
In anycase, I suppose working and living in a coal town and having white floors... mopping will become a staple and I will have to befriend my dollar store chums... "C" or no "C"
Monday, March 1, 2010
Paranormal State
Gotta love those cold nights in:
Watching Paranormal State and some dude is getting Exorsized...and I wonder to myself... how does one get possessed?.. I mean HOW? My 1 year old nephew makes weird noises does that make him possessed? or do those strange goth girls in school that apparently put spells on you are they possessed? or did they make you possessed?
fuckin' t.v.
Watching Paranormal State and some dude is getting Exorsized...and I wonder to myself... how does one get possessed?.. I mean HOW? My 1 year old nephew makes weird noises does that make him possessed? or do those strange goth girls in school that apparently put spells on you are they possessed? or did they make you possessed?
fuckin' t.v.
Elkford or Bust

Soooo after months and months of living miles away from my boyfriend (I hate calling him that because its been 9 years.... my man friend?... my partner?....my life partner...they are all lame..anyways...) I made the move!! From Victoria to Elkford....
Elkford British Columbia...a small wildertown nestled in the Rockie Mountains, 40 minutes outside of Fernie, 3 hours away from the nearest shopping mall and surrounded by open pit coal mines...
Perks: Terry, My sister in-law/bestie Becca, her husband Courtenay and their two kids Josh and Max
Downfalls: Missing my friends and Parents back home
Perks: Terry, total solitude
Downfalls: Total Solitude!
Terry and I have been together for almost 9 years, we lived together for 7 and in September we decided to pack up all of our belongings, put them in storage and go our separate ways. Terry moved to Elkford in hopes of getting work at one of the many mines here and I moved home with my parents because welllll I'm stubborn as hell, wanted to continue working as a hair stylist and the idea of moving freaked the shit out of me!.
So that brings us to now, after only seeing each other twice 6 months, I gave in packed up my cat and clothes and made the move... so here I am.. Lisa Betts..the new girl in town with the big city haircut
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