With this whole blog thing, I've kind of abducted Terry's lap top... why?.. Because I can blog and watch t.v..... you know, let the creative juices flow... on commercial breaks and family dinners..yea I'm rude.
Now, having Terry's computer at reach at all times, I've started exploring his bookmarks and I've stumbled across 2leep.com. 2leep is a plethora of awesome pictures, random blogs and tonnes and tonnes of useless information..... right up my alley!
This thing is like an addiction, hours and hours spent looking at page after page of old timey pictures, stories of new computerized t-shirts and blogs about ho

I found this this blog called English Russia, ever since seeing the Long Way Round, I have had this fascination with Russia. I need to go there... Terry and I need to go there. After looking through page after page of photos of Russia, I found Mother Motherland... in other words Mother Russia... she is absolutely stunning. She stands two times taller than the Statue of Liberty, her sword is made of stainless steel and weights a hefty 14 tones, she stands to honor the lives that were lost in the second world war.... one day, I will post a gooney picture of myself doing the best Japanese tourist pose right in front of her glory.