Friday, November 26, 2010

The Sinister Black Friiiiiiiday

Today, I guess in American terms is "Black Friday" dun dun dun! Sounds so sinister, sounds like a war holiday or an anniversary of some tragic accident in American history.

But in actual fact, its the day after Thanksgiving and their equivalent of our "Boxing Day". Boxing day sounds more shopper friendly... perhaps Black Friday refers to the poor retail people that have to work on the busiest shopping day of the year... its the doom and gloom of having to deal with irrational shoppers looking to save 50 bucks on their flat screen t.v. It does make sense to have a heinous shopping day with wicked deals before Christmas instead of after but in the same aspect on Boxing Day you can buy all the crap you wished you got on Christmas.. Maybe Canada should have both??

So today being the day after an American holiday, we are faced with the television marathon. Lets see... TLC has What Not to Wear, A&E has Criminal Minds, National Geographic has The Dog Whisperer and well, now that its technically after Thanksgiving we are now cursed with Christmas movies, music and television. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Grinch.. but I feel that Christmas should stay in December...not November and NOT the day after Halloween when they clear out the candy to make room for Santa hats and Christmas balls.

Elkford has been amazing for that, at the beginning of November, Rebecca and I were driving down the street and people already had their Christmas trees up. Maybe its because of the weather? Because it snows so early here? I don't know, I come from a family that sets the tree up on December 22nd and takes it down on New Years Day...So this November business is totally foreign to me! Can't blame Elkford for trying... but if the town has been decorated since early November what is it going to look like when it gets closer to Christmas? We're in the East Kootenays not the North Pole! :)

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