For the last two day's I've had nothing but ground beef and a surplus of pasta noodles to cook with... which is quazi-cool... until the only thing that comes to your mind is pasta. Which is what I made for dinner last night... but tonight? what to cook? pasta?.... but thats what we had for dinner last night...what to do??
MEATLOAF! Yes, bring back the '50's dinner. I've never made meatloaf before, so I log on to my favorite website FoodNetwork.com, and thanks to Paula Dean, I found the perfect recipe.
So as I was waiting for the frozen brick of ground beef to defrost, I turned on Ghost Hunters... gotta love that show, it has an excellent premise.. plumbers by day, paranormal researchers by night. This episode was a special episode, with a celebrity guest... and can you guess who that celebrity guest was????
MEATLOAF!!, yesssss the Meat was ghost hunting with the plumbers. I knew it was destiny, we were ment to have meatloaf for dinner tonight. The sad part about Meatloaf (the singer) is every time I see him, I think of his role in Fight Club, with his double D boobs and his polite awkwardness....
Never the less... thanks to the Meat, Paula Dean and our abundant supply of ground beef, we had a very ironic dinner....
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