Soooo after months and months of living miles away from my boyfriend (I hate calling him that because its been 9 years.... my man friend?... my partner?....my life partner...they are all lame..anyways...) I made the move!! From Victoria to Elkford....
Elkford British Columbia...a small wildertown nestled in the Rockie Mountains, 40 minutes outside of Fernie, 3 hours away from the nearest shopping mall and surrounded by open pit coal mines...
Perks: Terry, My sister in-law/bestie Becca, her husband Courtenay and their two kids Josh and Max
Downfalls: Missing my friends and Parents back home
Perks: Terry, total solitude
Downfalls: Total Solitude!
Terry and I have been together for almost 9 years, we lived together for 7 and in September we decided to pack up all of our belongings, put them in storage and go our separate ways. Terry moved to Elkford in hopes of getting work at one of the many mines here and I moved home with my parents because welllll I'm stubborn as hell, wanted to continue working as a hair stylist and the idea of moving freaked the shit out of me!.
So that brings us to now, after only seeing each other twice 6 months, I gave in packed up my cat and clothes and made the move... so here I am.. Lisa Betts..the new girl in town with the big city haircut
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