Tonight its stormy... Thunder, lightening, horrible winds and rain... lots of rain. Terry is on night shift, so its just me and my kitty. I decided to grab some snacks and veg out on the sofa, god bless cable t.v. because on Viva Channel allllll night Saturday's are ghosty shows. And well, that IS my favorite kind of show.
So, I'm watching "Living with the Dead" and its about haunted houses and the people who live in them. As for most ghostly shows, they usually have a psychic investigative team come in and check things out, film in night vision cameras and try to scare the crap out of all the t.v viewers. I love shows like this because not only are they entertaining... sometimes freaky... but history is usually involved too and anyone that knows me knows that I love learnin' shit.
Anyways, as I sit typing this blog with this show on in the back round, I've decided the psychic chick in this show is my new hair hero. Not only does she bust shit up in the ghost world but she has this lion mane of awesomeness. In my next life, I hope I get an afro :)
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