Becca and I said a big eff you to Elkford today, and busted out to Pincher Creek. Where is Pincher Creek?, you ask... well its nestled sweetly between Brocket and Cowley Alberta. It is the Wal-Mart mecca of the Crowsnest area of Alberta. Pretty fuckin' exciting.
Pincher's Wally is the biggest Wally I've ever been too, its just jam packed with cowboys, Mennonites, Hutterites (Hooties to some...), oblivious country folk and families consisting of 6 or more children... love it.
Wal-Mart and I have a love hate relationship, we always have...I'm not to keen on the ruining small business thing but when you live in a town with maayyyybe 3,000 people and the "General Store" sells nothing newer than 1986.. you don't really have a choice. Sure we have Fernie and all the rad little shops there (I'd much rather spend my dime there) BUT and a big fat BUT some days you just want to see something new... splerge on Tim Hortons and literally do a one stop shop. Be with the cowboys and the hooties, buy lunch meat in bulk and stock up on no name canned corn. Nothing wrong with that. Pay my small town dues and every once in a while, once in a blue moon... bust out the box stores and become one with the corporate over lords.
Am I a horrible person? Sometimes. Am I a horrible person that likes a good deal and not constantly buy expired food? Yes. But you would be too, if you were me.
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