Its Saturday, no one is home... both Terry and Phil are working and Austin is out with Josh. So needless to say, I have a day of SOLITUDE! yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
I'm currently watching 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs on Much More Music (naturally with the volume up) The host of the show is Bret Micheals, gotta love him, but my god he has the shiniest lips ever! he must use lip glass from Mac or perhaps a tub of Vasoline... its almost distracting!
So I suppose solitude and hard rock are a bit of a contradiction.. but its on my terms! No Discovery Channel on repeat or the "Children's Programing" Austin watches. Which I must say kids programs have changed a lot since I was Austins age, all his shows seem way too complicated or way too old or wayyyy too stupid... like Bacugaun? (I don't even know how to spell the damn thing) or Pokemon? give me Fraggle Rock or The Raccoons and THAT my friends is quality television! haha
Anyways, back to the Greatest Hard Rock Songs.. watching this show makes me wish I stayed with playing an instrument or could at least carry a tune. Secretly, all my life I've wanted to be in a band... but never had the opportunity, with good reason I suppose hahaha!
Tonight, I'm going to the Miss Elkford Beauty Pageant, so I should have plenty to write about later. Until then...
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