Gotta love Teletoon at night! to my surprise Terry changes the channel and tell me "Now you know who your going to call"... Thats right GHOSTBUSTERS!!
Love this movie, I remember my parents had the soundtrack on vinyl (I wish I still had it, total wall art) and on the back it had a picture of the dog, you know the one with the glowing red eyes... it used to scare the shit out of me. I would always picture the dog in my mind, like maybe it was lurking in my closet or under my bed.... prime spots for monsters. Now looking at it, I see cheezy '80's special effects... which doesn't make the movie any worse, perhaps it makes it better. The marsh mellow man on the other hand, I wish it was real... perfect for kids parties and camping!.
So... now that its not anywhere near Halloween, and I'll probably change my mind closer to the date... I have found the perfect costume...the Ghostbusters uniform (noooo not the skanky one) but the real one complete with inflatable power pack. Fuck, I'd just order the costume so I could wear the power pack on a daily basis, but that just shows you how much of a nerd I am.
Now its time for bed, I'll be sure to check the closet and under the bed to find a few dust bunneys and maybe my cat.... no crazy red eyed monster dog.
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